Get full visibility & control over your finances

Make month-end close a breeze. Spend less time invoicing and billing, and more time making strong financial decisions.

  • Accurately predict future revenue with advanced forecasting
  • See your data in real-time reports and dashboards
  • Integrate with major cloud and desktop accounting systems

Bring your data to life

Get instant visibility over the things that matter with interactive dashboards. Action important workflows, from invoice approvals to expense claims, straight from your dashboard.

Learn more about dashboards & reports

Make confident decisions in real-time

See all of your data combined into a beautiful budget vs. actual page. With everything you need at your fingertips, take action before it’s too late.

Billing, made painless

Empower your project leaders and create confident teams. Take ownership of invoicing with a suite of interactive dashboards, tools, and reports.

Book a demo

To see exactly how we can help you to drive your company in the right direction, book a demo with an expert

See revenue months in advance

Report revenue to date with watertight revenue recognition functionality. Get a clear picture of future revenue with powerful forecasting tools.

Take close control of spend

Whether you’re importing from a CSV file or your existing accounting package, get invoices into CMap, quick. Get a tight grip of spend with value range approvals, purchase order functionality, and more.

“It used to take me at least twenty minutes to produce an invoice. Using CMap, I can do the same amount of work in just five minutes.”
Glenn Pearson, Senior Operations Manager, Patrick Ryan Associates
“We are so thankful for CMap’s accounting system integration. That feature alone has made a significant difference in our workflow.”
Christine Lewis, Account Supervisor, CHQ Architects
“The most important function for us is CMap’s invoicing capability. It’s completely changed how we create invoices, and we can create them so much faster than we used to be able to do.”
Christine Lewis, Account Supervisor, CHQ Architects
"We use it to capture all our time and material to carry out monthly invoicing. Rather than taking 3 to 4 days to complete the end-of-month finances, thanks to CMap, the job only takes no more than half a day. This frees the team up to grow."
Ken Yeung, Head of Finance & Operations, PPL
"CMap has given us a different perspective by allowing us to be able to manipulate data and understand as a company not only what we are charging clients, but which types of projects we are making money on and what we are not.”
Jo Shannon, Financial Director, TMD Building Consultancy
"I've now got this dynamic view of the firm's revenue growth, combining both live projects that we're delivering and potential projects. I couldn't do that using my prior systems.”
Tony Clark, CEO, NextWave
"The dynamic between money coming in and money going out is vital from a finance and operations point of view. Delivering that level of visibility is where CMap shines."
Aimee Rutherford, Finance & Operations Director, Michaelis Boyd
"We used to be working completely blind. Now, with CMap, we know exactly what the rest of the year is going to look like as we process through our financial year. That's because we can see the profitability of projects as we go along."
India Cummins, Studio Manager, Bell Phillips Architects
"The CMap team has been fantastic to work with, and pulled out all the stops to ensure implementation went as smoothly as possible"
Phil Ruelle, Chief Digital Officer, BDO Jersey

Get instant visibility over projects

Timesheet entries are automatically converted to WIP for continuous visibility. With dedicated reports and dashboards, empower your project managers to make quick calls.

No more re-keying data

Seamlessly share financial data between your favorite accounting system and CMap. Stop wasting time keying data in twice.

