Job costing for architects

CMap’s Fee Estimator tool is just one snippet of CMap’s powerful project management software, packed with features that enable architecture firms to produce rigorous fee estimates—in minutes.

From templates, to bottom-up & top-down approaches, to mixing multiple fee types in a project, you can have confidence CMap’s equipped to finally put an end to spreadsheet-ageddon.

Top-down and bottom-up, together

Starting with a fee-driven brief in mind? Top-down budgeting is ready and waiting. Want to take a resource-driven approach? Bottom-up's the place to start.

Ultimately, CMap enables you to do both e.g. start with a lump sum fee in mind, plan out the resource requirements, and then sense-check the margin the fee will yield, increasing the project’s—and ultimately, the firm’s—profitability.

Create efficiency & consistency with templates

Why do people revert to spreadsheets for their projects? “They’re quicker”. “They’re easier”. "The system doesn’t work the way I work”.

CMap addresses this with templating functionality, making it quick & easy to set-up jobs, and going further than spreadsheets are capable, with target margins per sector, data immediately flowing through to staffing demand reports, revenue projections ,and more.

Predict future demand!

CMap’s Fee Estimator isn’t just about producing more accurate fees that enable you to understand what you’re committing to margin-wise.

The data is transformed into projections of future demand, enabling you to make confident decisions and manage projects. You can stay on the same page with other contractors and building control, while also considering the feasibility studies, construction costs and planning applications necessary for the project.

Learn more about resourcing

Book a demo

To see exactly how we can help you to drive your company in the right direction, book a demo with an expert

Maximize profitability with accurate job costing

Architecture firms who use CMap enjoy more certainty and reduce time consuming manual data entry.

CMap’s project management software also seamlessly integrates with your favorite accounting software, allowing hourly rate billing to be accurately calculated and ensuring job costing is kept in check.

The project can be approached with lump sum or other fee types, with the software helping to manage the resources required for each stage of the project.

"With CMap, everyone on our team can drill down into the data to answer important questions about the state of the practice’s business. We can see right away whether a project is being performed at a profit or a loss.”
Laura Gore, Head of Finance, Make
"I used to spend hours working up a quote. With CMap, I can produce a quote in just half an hour. The data analysis ability that CMap gives us greatly improves the confidence we have in our quotes.”
Chris Parker, Director, InsideOut

