Manage Standardized Project Deliverables At Every Level

With our powerful document management environment, Atvero provides a flexible central hub for managing all project deliverables, with company or industry standardization at its core.

Non-compliant naming schemes carry risk in project delivery

Ensure all internally generated documents must follow the project’s naming scheme. Naming schemes can follow industry standards like ISO 19650 or your own custom company schemes. Understand why a document is not compliant when uploading files as Atvero provides you specific feedback on invalid parts in a document and suggests a reason for the error.

Unavailability of version history reduces productivity

If firms cannot ensure that project team members are working on the most current versions of documents, collaboration will become disconnected, leading to information errors that can expose your projects to potential risks in delivery.

Ensure naming scheme compliance that follows company or industry standards

When project documents are not compliant, the process of tracking and validating documents for quality control before issuing can become complicated, consuming more time and decreasing productivity.

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Access a full version history of every project document

Find all drawing and document revisions within a dedicated record located in the central project Records list, with each revision in a record holding all of its different renditions (e.g. dwg, dwf, pdf).

Easily find the latest version of a document and create empty Record, reserving the document number to hold information brought in from design authoring tools.

Update issue register dynamically after transmittals

Only once a revision has been approved by a project owner can it be included in an issue. Easily choose the recipients of an issue with contact distribution lists chosen from the project contact list.

Transmit revisions alongside an automatically generated sheet using SharePoint, email, or Atvero CheckPoint - Atvero’s information exchange portal. Keep track of all issued information in the project issue register.

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